febrero 28, 2010
En contra del maltrato hacia los animales: "
Si bien existen muchas campañas de publicidad para posicionar productos, también existen campañas que promueven alguna causa social, como es el caso de Spearhead Training, que si bien da a conocer un servicio: Entrenamiento de Perros, también lo hace bajo el lema de: En contra del maltrato hacia los animales, a quienes hay que tratar como mascotas no como marionetas.
El print fue realizado pot PerceptGulf FZ en Dubai, bajo la dirección creativa Prashant Sankhe y dirección artística de Makrand Meshram.
Leer más en Technorati: diseño, print, animales, maltrato, mercadotecnia, entrenamiento
febrero 28, 2010 by Unknown · 0
Pixeles que cuentan historias: "
EL director creativo Soumitra Karnik realizó con la agencia JWT de New Delhi en la India, la campaña Pixeles para Suraj Electronics.
Se trata de una serie de prints que evocan a personalidades como Los Beatles, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, la famosa escena del barco en la cinta Titanic y los Hombres de Negro, también el zapato perdido de Cenicienta, La Última Cena y Superman, todos ellos representados con la cantidad mínima de pixeles necesarios para transmitir cada idea.
Leer más en Technorati: diseño, publicidad, marca, JWT , pixeles, Suraj Electronics, colores
by Unknown · 0
febrero 27, 2010
Desturcción de pixeles con SkyHD: "
Este print que realizó la agencia de publicidad 1861united, Milan, Italy para Sky HD, nos deja claro el alcande de la tenconlogía de alta definición de las trasnmisiones de Sky.
Desarrollaron un gran trabajo de postproduccion que atrae a los fanáticos del futbol, concepto muy ad hoc en estos tiempos mundialistas de camino a Sudáfrica 2010
Leer más en Technorati: diseño, publicidad, marca, SkyHD, mercadotecnia, deporte, futbol
febrero 27, 2010 by Unknown · 0
Casi mil videos de jóvenes que interpretando el tema “Te Amo” de Makano, fueron subidos al canal ccinteractivemusic de YouTube, resultado de una convocatoria realizada por Coca-Cola Interactive Music para crear La Banda Más Grande, un concepto al que Ogilvy Argentina le dio vida.
Los videos, reunidos gracias a la convocatoria multimedia lanzada en Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay y Perú, fueron vistos por más de 850 mil personas en dos meses; el resultado de este proyecto liderado creativamente por Gastón Bigio y Jonathan Gurvit puede ser visto en el siguiente video:
Vía Ogilvy Argentina.
Leer más en Technorati: publicidad, Coca Cola, mercadotecnia, música, playa, Makaco, canción
by Unknown · 0
febrero 26, 2010
Gorgeous stats video on “the state of the internet”: "
The exponential growth of the internet never fails to amaze me.
Every year, you think it couldn’t possibly be more influential, or huge, or humanity uniting, and then you see videos like this one. Plus, it’s done in a soothing yet hip color scheme with fun graphics included so you can wrap your head around figures like “billion,” “trillion,” and “Europe.”
If you dig stats, check out the video below on the crazy strides made by the internet in general in even just the last month. (For instance, 247 billion e-mails are sent every day. 200 billion of those are spam. And why is Facebook so slow to load sometimes? Because 6 million other people are all trying to be on it, too, every minute.)
[Via Mashable]
febrero 26, 2010 by Unknown · 0
febrero 25, 2010
80 Extreme Advertisements That Will Challenge Your Mind: "
An advertisement’s aim is to instantly attract the attention of viewers. Some use humour to draw viewers’ attention, but there are other kinds of advertisements that go to extremes to present something different. As a follow up to our previous article 60 Humorous Advertisements That Will Tickle Your Bones, today we look at the opposite extreme to using humour in advertisements. Presenting another side to design, some of the advertisements shared in this article today may be a little visually disturbing or conceptually controversial.
Warning: Viewers Discretion Is Advised!
Image from: Squid
While some might find them somewhat perverse yet creatively brilliant, others might cringe and be disgusted or disapproving of their content or style. Everyone has a right to an opinion.
80 Controversial and Disturbing Print Ads
Let’s look at these advertisements objectively with an open and analytical mind and appreciate the creativity that went into it. One has to wonder how the creative directors and designers came up with these concepts. What was the thought process and rational behind their radical ideas? Was there prior censorship and surveying done in a control group before the decision to go ahead with the advert was made? No matter the response, such advertisements do exist and are on the rise. Does challenging the norm by being controversial and extreme payoff by leaving an impact or making an impression on viewers? This is an answer we’d love to find out.
Here are 80 controversial advertisements that challenge the boundaries of what is socially and morally acceptable with the use of dark humour and shock tactics. These print advertisements often use gore, vulgarity, sex, violence, and sometimes religion to promote their products or bring across the organisations’ message. These adverts either challenge social, political or moral propriety. That is why some of these advertisements are banned in certain countries. Although the use of such adverts can be effective, it is not for the faint of heart or small of mind. Not everyone can appreciate the beauty in such clever and deliberate ugliness.
Amnesty International: Archery
AMAM - Association of Women Against Genital Mutilation: Plastic doll
Amnesty International: Red Little Tender
Shared Responsibility: Kidnapping
Save the Children: Child Labour
Sanctuary, Save the tiger: Binocular
Pedestrian Council of Australia: Family
Popeye Detergent Hipoalergenic: Hell raiser
Oust: Everything has consequences
Cerveira Art Biennial: Botticelli
Pet flea & tick spot on: Haircut
Multiple Sclerosis Australia: Use By Dates
Just liquid hand wash: Cockroaches
Glassing Sunglasses: Kiss my glass
Workplace Safety Insurance Board: Sign
Colombian Association of Arterial Hypertension: Home
Gringo’s Tequila: El Matador Peligroso
Foundation Abbé Pierre: The Lifeguard
Filigranes Bookstore: Las Vegas
Procter & Gamble / Febreze: Fly
Family Network Foundation: Dad
Emirates Arthritis Foundation: Painful
Government of the State of Santa Catarina: Hamburger
Concordia Children’s Services: Piglets
NoButts.org Anti-Cigarette Butt Pollution Campaign: Catfish
Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers: England
Child Health Foundation: The Scream
Casa & Perfume air freshener: Fish
Eagle Print Awards 2009: Cactus
Domestic Violence: Piece of meat
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Domestic Violence: Living Room
Too Much To Handle?
What do you think of these extreme advertisements? Do you think their shock tactics worked? Are you for or against such advertising concepts? If these are not the most shocking or disturbing advertisements you’ve seen or you’ve seen others that deserve a mention, feel free to share them with us. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of extreme advertising prints.
"febrero 25, 2010 by Unknown · 0